2 11, 2019

Virtual Reality Melbourne is very close

By |November 2nd, 2019|Melbourne|

Archery Attack is excited to inform our customers that Virtual Reality in Melbourne is kicking off very soon. We're looking at a soft launch in November, before kicking off a full product launch in December. Virtual Reality Melbourne We're really looking forward to launching virtual reality as [...]

3 08, 2019

Group Activities for Adults – Archery Attack Melbourne

By |August 3rd, 2019|Australia, Melbourne|

Looking for some group activities for adults? Maybe it's a function like a birthday or celebration. Or you're just looking for a great day/night out. Archery Attack has you covered! There are plenty of group activities in Melbourne, and across Australia. Nothing is as unique, fun, and [...]

3 08, 2019

Virtual Reality @ Archery Attack – V.R. Attack

By |August 3rd, 2019|Australia, Melbourne|

At Archery Attack, we're excited to announce the upcoming launch of our new virtual reality experience: V.R. Attack! Players will have the opportunity to step into brand new worlds using our amazing V.R. equipment. We can't wait to get you all into the fun and immersion of [...]

22 06, 2019

School Holidays in Melbourne – Archery Attack!

By |June 22nd, 2019|Australia, Melbourne|

July school holidays in Melbourne are upon us. That means it's another two weeks of thinking up at activities to get the kids out of the house and having fun. Well look no further than Archery Attack! With the perfect combination of action, fun, and exciting new [...]

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