We had our first Trial Night for league on the 18th of April, and it was a fun showing of what league night is going to be like.
We’re looking to hosting further trials in the coming weeks, to demonstrate how fun League really is.
League nights at Archery Attack are awesome and exciting nights. Using our arena in Reservoir Melbourne, we provide a unique team sports experience for our players. It’s high-flying action, with loads of arrows coming your way, and plenty of opportunities for strategy and tactics. We love the style of play and experience it provides, and we hope you do too.
May 2nd will be our next trial night and we hope to see you there. If you want to register for a tournament than please do so here: League
For now, we hope to see you on May 2nd at the arena. It’s $10 per player and there’s no commitment required either. We just want customers to experience League and see what it’s all about. League Nights are incredibly fun, social, and action-packed. What more could you ask for from a team sport?
If you have any questions or queries about League, the trial night, or anything else Archery Attack related, then give us a call, or reach out to us on the website or social media. We’ll be happy to help with anything you need. We hope to see you at the arena for our next trial night. Of course, sessions are still open for standard Archery Attack so keep up those bookings too! We can’t wait to have you down at Archery Attack.