14 09, 2019

Best in Australia – Archery Attack Newcastle

By |September 14th, 2019|Australia|

Archery Attack Newcastle was mentioned in a 'Best in Australia' online article last week. We couldn't be more happy to be featured in a 'best of' article. The article in question (found here) features Archery Attack Newcastle as one of the best leisure activities in Newcastle. We [...]

24 08, 2019

Bow Paintball – How We Describe Archery Attack

By |August 24th, 2019|Australia|

We often get asked "What's the best way to describe Archery Attack?". We'll how does bow paintball sound? Literally paintball, but with bows and foam-tipped arrows. Archery Attack is truly an awesome experience that takes the idea of games like paintball into a whole new dimension. Bow [...]

24 08, 2019

Archery Arena – Archery Attack Melbourne

By |August 24th, 2019|Melbourne|

At Archery Attack Melbourne, a huge selling point is our Archery Arena! Our fantastic playing space in Reservoir is designed with archery in mind. Our arena is perfect for Archery Attack! Archery Arena Archery Attack is an awesome and unique experience that's great for many different ages [...]

3 08, 2019

Group Activities for Adults – Archery Attack Melbourne

By |August 3rd, 2019|Australia, Melbourne|

Looking for some group activities for adults? Maybe it's a function like a birthday or celebration. Or you're just looking for a great day/night out. Archery Attack has you covered! There are plenty of group activities in Melbourne, and across Australia. Nothing is as unique, fun, and [...]

3 08, 2019

Virtual Reality @ Archery Attack – V.R. Attack

By |August 3rd, 2019|Australia, Melbourne|

At Archery Attack, we're excited to announce the upcoming launch of our new virtual reality experience: V.R. Attack! Players will have the opportunity to step into brand new worlds using our amazing V.R. equipment. We can't wait to get you all into the fun and immersion of [...]

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