Looking for some group activities for adults? Maybe it’s a function like a birthday or celebration. Or you’re just looking for a great day/night out. Archery Attack has you covered!
There are plenty of group activities in Melbourne, and across Australia. Nothing is as unique, fun, and action-packed as Archery Attack!
What is Archery Attack?
Picture paintball, but with bows and arrows and at a faster pace. Does that answer your question? Need a little more?
Well Archery Attack takes a group of players and teaches them out to shoot bows and arrows. Then we put them against each other in loads of different games and challenges. They’ll get to shoot at each other in a unique and interesting way; having loads of fun in the process. Who doesn’t want to shoot their mates?
Plus we’ve got some quality and sturdy masks. You know what that means….. Head shots are a go!
Group Activities for Adults
What’s great about Archery Attack is that anyone can get involved. That’s what what’s your looking for in group activities for adults. We can accommodate for just about anyone. Archery Attack is all about having a good time and playing something unique and awesome!
Furthermore, if Archery Attack ain’t your thing, we have Blast Attack!
Blast Attack uses awesome Nerf Blasters to change up our normal games. These blasters are semi-automatic, and can hold 30 rounds of soft foam bullets. It’s a different format for those who want something other than Archery Attack
Speaking of other group activities for adults, we’re also bringing Virtual Reality to our arena in Melbourne for a totally new experience.
If you don’t want anything as intense as Archery Attack or Blast Attack, then our V.R station is going to be perfect for you. Chill out with your friends and explore new worlds with our Vive Pro V.R. gear. It’s going a great experience for all!
Book Now
So whether it’s Archery Attack, Blast Attack, or V.R; we’ve got you covered when it comes to group activities for adults. So book now!
For more, check us out on Facebook and Instagram.