22 02, 2019

What’s included with an event?

By |February 22nd, 2019||

Group activities include: Set up at the location of your choice – it could be indoors or outdoors, park, oval or gym Preparation of your field with inflatable self-standing obstacles Bows, arrows, arm-guards and eye protection A trained Archery Attack crew-member to stay and run the session which includes a briefing, [...]

17 03, 2016

What happens if it rains?

By |March 17th, 2016||

We are happy to play in all conditions but if bad weather is forecast there are 4 options; 1) go ahead and brave it out, skin is waterproof! 2) move the event indoors to an available location. 3) reschedule for another day. 4) but if none of [...]

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