Competitive Games – Archery Attack

One of the great aspects of Archery Attack is the competitive games we play. We’re no stranger to the heat of battle, and we love when groups come in and engage in combat!

Setting the Tone

When groups come in to play Archery Attack, we like to gauge what we kind of session our groups are looking for. Archery Attack can be a relaxed and chilled day of entertainment. We can take groups slowly through the experience, or we can ramp up the action and make our session super intense. We’re all for competition during our sessions. However, groups need to feel comfortable in that sort of environment. One of the great components of Archery Attack is that we can adjust to each group’s needs. That’s what makes Archery Attack great for all kinds of different groups and players.

When the action needs to heat up, and a group wants to feel the competition, we have some great competitive games for our players to go head-to-head in.

Competitive Games @ Archery Attack 

We have a huge variety of games that we play in our Archery Attack sessions. Which ones we play really depends on the session type. Some games fit all sessions. While some competitive games we keep only for those really intense sessions.

Capture the flag is a great example of that kind of competitive game. It’s a full on battle to victory; with teams shooting each other, ducking and diving, and running back and forth to get the other team’s flag. Capture the flag always leaves teams sweating and puffing (just what we want in such an intense game). Other games like team death match, medic, and assassin also provide this thrill.

A more strategic game would be traitor. Here we have two teams line up facing each other, and with their eyes closed the session host will select players to form a third team. This third team is made up of players from either side. Their aim is to shoot players on their original side and win in secret. So friendly fire is on, and it’s one shot and you’re out. The two main teams not only have to knock out the other team, put keep an eye out for the traitorous third team. It’s a battle of wits and skill!

Come on Down

If you’re looking for a great day/night of competitive fun and action, then check out your local Archery Attack. Grab your teammates and give it a crack. If you want to see some great videos and photos of Archery Attack in motion, jump onto Facebook and Instagram to see for yourself.


By |September 28th, 2019|Australia|

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